How Does Black Pepper Grow?

A peppercorn is the seed of the Piper nigrum plant. This is a woody perennial vine that grows in the tropics. Often it is grown as an understory plant. Black pepper is a staple spice all over the world. White pepper and green pepper also come from this same vine. The difference in spice is due to the timing of the harvest and how the peppercorn is processed.



Wild versions of peppercorn grow in the Western Ghats region of India. It is potentially here where the first cultivation began. In more modern times, loss of habitat and invasive agriculture and diminished populations of wild peppercorn.

Piper nigrum is native to southern India and by the 17th century was a booming trade industry across Southeast Asia and into China. It can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 10 and above. These are regions where the temperature rarely if ever drops below 65°F (18°C). Temperatures that cool will cause a peppercorn plant to cease all growth.

The colonizing British brought black pepper from India and Sri Lanka to the rest of the western world. today peppercorn is grown in many southern regions worldwide including Vietnam, the Philippines, Japan and South America.


Piper nigrum is a woody perennial vine that grows to a height of about 13 feet. It has alternate leaves that are an almost lime green in color. Leaves are broad and slightly ribbed. It will root anywhere the vine touches the ground and has a tendency to spread out and become unkempt if allowed to go wild.

Each vine produces between 20 and 30 floral spikes about three inches in length with catkin-like flowers. These small white flowers are self-fertile and will grow into hanging drupes or clusters of small round green seed. This seed is the peppercorn from which three types of pepper are derived:

  • White Pepper: Skin is removed from seed and only the inner seed is dried
  • Green Pepper: The fresh green peppercorn right off the plant, often this is canned or pickled
  • Black Pepper: Most common spice made from fully drying the green peppercorns

There are entirely different plants also called ‘peppercorns’ so it is important to not get confused when shopping around. For instance, ‘pink peppercorns’ are not from the Piper nigrum plant though they look very similar. Instead, they come from the Peruvian or Brazillian pepper tree.

Home Gardening

Home gardeners only need one vine for all the pepper they could possibly eat and give away. In climates below USDA zone 10, they will require a greenhouse or must be brought inside when the weather cools off. Many home gardeners prefer to grow this as a houseplant in a hanging basket, or in a pot with a trellis attached.
