The Many Types of Winter Squash

There are so many varieties of winter squash that it might be hard to decide which ones to plant in your garden. From small acorn squash to huge Hubbard squash, the variations are almost endless.


Spaghetti Squash

Not only is spaghetti squash extremely easy to grow, it also stores well. You can keep a spaghetti squash for as long as two months if you store it in a cool area or the refrigerator. It gets it name by resembling long strands of spaghetti noddles when cooked. In fact, many people on low-carb or gluten-free diets use spaghetti squash a substitute in their favorite pasta dishes.

Acorn Squash

Acorn squash does, in fact, look like an acorn, at least in shape. It has a thick, dark green rind with an orange spot somewhere on it. It is considered winter squash but of all the squashes in this category, it stores the least amount of time. The acorn squash has bright orange flesh that you can use in pies, eat steamed or roasted, or even stuffed with a savory filling.

Butternut Squash

The butternut squash may be one of the most well-known and versatile winter squash of the family. You can store it for up to six months, which makes it possible to provide the benefits of fresh produce long into the winter months. Growing butternut squash takes no more work than growing any other plant, and the sizes vary so much that you can grow them to feed a family of two or an entire clan. The skin of this squash can be eaten, and it softens as it cooks

Other Varieties of Winter Squash

There are also many other varieties of winter squash, all of them with unique taste and features. Some of the different types of winter squash include:

  • Hubbard Squash. This squash has a thick rind and can grow as massive as 40 pounds (18 kilograms).
  • Delicata Squash. A small squash with yellow and green skin that is edible.
  • Kuri Squash. This one is similar to the Hubbard in taste but is much smaller and has a deep orange rind.

The Benefits of Winter Squash

One of the most significant benefits of growing winter squash is the fact that you can store them for long periods of time. The extended storage period plus the versatility of winter squash allows you to enjoy the flavor and nutrition in a variety of ways, long after the more seasonal produce is used up.
