14 articles related to `Celery`

  • growing-arugula-from-seed

    How to Grow Arugula From Seed

    Arugula is a cool season plant that will quickly provide you with greens for the table. Just give arugula its…

  • harvesting-celery

    How and When to Harvest Celery

    Many people might think of celery as the classic grocery store bundle of green stalks. However, the entire plant can…

  • growing-celery-indoors

    How to Grow Celery Indoors

    Celery is a cool-season biennial plant with a reputation as a finicky, demanding grower. Growing it indoors might actually be…

  • celery-companion-plants

    Best Companion Plants for Celery

    Many gardeners feel that the practice of companion planting is a good idea. Certain plants can actually assist each other…

  • grow-celery-water

    How to Grow Celery in Water

    Celery was originally a swamp plant, so the idea of growing it in water isn’t off base. However, it’s also…

  • grow-celery-stalk

    How to Grow Celery From a Stalk

    If you want double duty from your celery, you can regrow the base of the plant. The plant will grow…

  • growing-celery

    How to Grow Celery

    Celery has a reputation for being difficult to grow. That’s not entirely true, but it does take extra care and…

  • when-to-plant-celery

    When to Plant Celery

    Celery is definitely a cool season plant. Since it also requires a long growing season, it’s important to plant seeds…

  • growing-celery-seed

    How to Grow Celery From Seed

    Celery can be finicky, but it has some well-defined likes and dislikes. If you can work within those parameters, it’s…

  • where-does-celery-grow

    Where Does Celery Grow?

    Celery – in the form of leaf, stalk and root celery – is throughout the world. It prefers temperate climates…

  • growing-celery-root-370-480

    Growing Celeriac, AKA Celery Root

    Similar in growth habit and preferences to its cousin celery, celeriac can be in most gardens. Since it’s a cool-season…

  • regrow-celery

    How to Regrow Celery

    Most people toss the base of a celery plant after the stalks are used. However, that base has the ability…

  • celery-seeds-come

    Where Do Celery Seeds Come From

    Celery seeds come from plants – that’s pretty obvious. But there are other questions related to the topic, such as…

  • what-to-do-with-celery-leaves

    How to Use Celery Leaves

    For many people, the only important parts of the celery plant are the stalks or the root. However, the leaves,…