How to Store Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are in season from autumn to deep into winter. The pretty florets dry out easily once they are harvested. When properly stored, Brussels sprouts remain fresh and crunchy for some time.

  • harvest Brussels sprouts correctly

From September, the first roses of Brussels sprouts reach a considerable size, so that they are ready to be harvested. Always harvest the cabbage from below: Pick the florets the size of a table tennis ball, while the smaller ones above may continue to grow. A few days later, in a further harvest, you can pick the larger leaf anemones, and keep picking until the entire stalk has been harvested.
This allows you to harvest small quantities of Brussels sprouts as required, so that you always have it crisp and fresh. Brussels sprouts can also remain on the bed in winter. Frost doesn’t bother him – on the contrary: only at temperatures below zero do the leaf florets gain sweetness and develop their full aroma.

  • store Brussels sprouts in the refrigerator

If you have harvested or bought a larger quantity of Brussels sprouts than you can process immediately, you can store the leaf rosettes in the refrigerator for a few days. At room temperature the leaves would wither quickly. Wrap the unwashed cabbage florets in a damp cloth and put them in the vegetable compartment. Process the Brussels sprouts as quickly as possible, as they become rotten after a few days in the refrigerator.

  • freeze Brussels sprouts

To preserve Brussels sprouts for a longer period of time, deep-freezing is suitable. To do this, proceed as follows:

  1. Clean the Brussels sprouts by removing withered leaves, shortening the stalk and washing the florets.
  2. Put water in a large pot, salt it vigorously and bring to the boil.
  3. Put the Brussels sprouts in the boiling salted water and blanch for three minutes.
  4. Pour the cabbage florets off and scare them off in ice water This gives them their fresh green colour.
  5. Place the completely cooled leaf florets next to each other on a wooden board and slide it into the *** freezer compartment. Pre-freezing prevents the cabbage florets from freezing together to form a lump; in this way you can remove the florets individually.
  6. Fill the Brussels sprouts after a few hours into freezable containers with a tight lid. Freezer bags are also suitable.
  7. Do not thaw the Brussels sprouts before use or they will become muddy. Simply pour the frozen kohlröschen directly into boiling water or the dish you have prepared.
  8. Use up the Brussels sprouts within a year # After a few months it begins to lose its aroma.
Text: madeleine