Learn How to Germinate Lemon Seeds

Love the idea of growing your own lemon trees (Citrus limon, USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11) from seeds? If you’re willing to wait five years or more for your first harvest, the seeds from one lemon will germinate into an orchard of trees. Just supply them with the right soil, suitable containers, consistent moisture and fertilizer plenty of light. We explain the germination basics here.


Preparing Your Seeds

To reduce the risk of fungal disease, use large seeds from an organic lemon. Choose at least 10 large, plump seeds because not all of them will germinate and not all the seedlings may survive.


Soak your seeds for 24 hours in a cup of chamomile flower tea made with distilled water. Many germinating seeds and young seedlings die from damping-off disease. Chamomile flowers are rich in the natural fungicide sulfur.

After soaking, the seeds will be covered with thin, bacteria-attracting gel. Transfer them to a cup of clean, cool water and swish them gently to remove it.


To germinate your seeds, you’ll need:

  • An absorbent paper towel
  • A clear, sealable plastic bag large enough to hold the towel when it’s folded in half
  • Tweezers
  1. Wet the absorbent paper towel.
  2. Squeeze it to remove the excess water.
  3. Spread it on a flat surface and smooth out any wrinkles.
  4. Use the tweezers to position your seeds over one half of the towel so they aren’t touching.
  5. Fold the other half of the towel over the seeds.
  6. Slide the folded towel into a clear, sealable plastic bag.
  7. Close the bag securely and move it to a dark location with a temperature between 68° and 72° F (20° to 22.2°C).
  8. Check the bag every two days. If the top half of the towel feels dry, mist it slightly with a spray bottle.

Your lemon seeds should begin germinating in one to three weeks. As soon as you see thick white radicles emerging from one of them, it’s ready to pot.

Potting a Germinated Lemon Seed

For each seed, fill a 4-inch plastic pot with sterilized seed starter mix. Add water until it runs out the drainage holes. The mix should stay moist, but never soggy.

Make a 1/2 inch-deep hole in the center of the damp mix. Use the tweezers to drop the sprouted seed (radicles down) into the hole and cover it lightly with mix.

Move the pot into filtered sunlight and keep it around 70°F (20°C). Mist it as needed to keep the mix damp. Wait until the seedling develops three sets of true leaves to move it to an 8-inch container of organic citrus potting mix.

Text: Garden.eco